Thursday, November 17, 2011

Gratitude Day 17

I know I shouldn't be giving thanks for so many "things", but some days I am just really grateful for my stuff! Today, I am extremely grateful for the Moby Wrap, which allows me to get things done even when all Amelia wants to do is be held. I love sitting on the couch letting her snuggle with me, but sometimes we need to get things done, and the Moby is the only way I have use of both of my hands! Amelia camped out in the Moby all afternoon while I baked and decorated cupcakes, and did the laundry. I'll post pictures of the cupcakes after they are revealed to their recipient tomorrow. I don't want to ruin the surprise!

I am also grateful to the nurses in the NICU today, as the March of Dimes has named November 17 National Prematurity Day (thanks for the info, Lia!). We are extremely lucky that the medical community has come so far and they were able to help our 33-week-old angel come home healthy and strong after only a few weeks!

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