Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gratitude Day 16

On days when I don't have a picture to represent what I'm thankful for, like today, I will subject you all to pictures of Amelia. Katy took a ton of really good ones, and I feel the need to share them! By the way, you should check out her other photos here. She's a wonderful photographer and bow designer. I am grateful to have her in my life!

The other thing I am grateful for today is the breastfeeding support group at Northwest. I was super nervous to go the first time, and I am really glad that I did. Even if I don't have questions about nursing, it is really nice to go and be with other new (and veteran) moms who understand what I'm going through. I always leave the meetings feeling better about what I'm doing, especially after a night like last night. I don't know what it was, but I did NOT want to get up for Amelia's second feeding, and Tim didn't get up because he hadn't been able to sleep earlier in the night (eye roll). It was good to go and hear from other moms who have had those moments of thinking, "what did I get myself into here?" Luckily I always snap out of those bad moods when I get that chubby kid in my arms (and turn on dvr'd episodes of Ellen to keep me awake).

PS- Amelia had her two month shots yesterday. She got measured, and she is 21 inches long and weighs 9lbs. 2oz. Dr. S said if she had been a term baby, she would be in the 90th percentile. Yay!

1 comment:

Katy Lynn said...

And I am thankful for you. And thanks for the shout out :)