Saturday, September 10, 2011


Ok, so the title of this post might have sounded better than the situation really is, but it's the little things in life. I'm getting my freedom back a little bit at a time. Last night, they took me off of the 24/7 fetal monitoring, so those two cords didn't have to be unplugged whenever I got up. They also took me off of the IV pole, and let me just keep the port in my hand because I started taking my antibiotics by mouth. When I had my mini-meltdown last night, I ripped the evil, itchy, hot compression balloons off of my legs, so those were gone...

And now?! My new favorite person, Nurse Kathy, just came in and removed the IV altogether! Woot woot! It's like I'm free! I can get up and pee without having to have someone unplug the fetal and contraction monitors, unplug the compression sock hoses, unplug the IV pole, help me wheel it in, and wait for me to be done so they can help me back into bed.

Sigh. It's a beautiful thing.

Now if I can get a handle on this ever-present stillness, I'll be golden. I'm so used to being up and about all the time that sitting here being pretty much idle is driving me a bit bonkers. There is just so much that I could be doing! My classroom could use some organizing, my lesson plans were not done, my laundry was on the floor at home, my dog needed her teeth brushed, the vinyls needed to be hung in Amelia's room, her closet needed cleaned out, my closet needed cleaned out, etc. I feel like I could be so much more useful if I were able to be at home at least!

I'm trying to keep on top of this feeling of uselessness, but it's hard. I know the most productive thing I can be doing right now is sitting here and keeping this little girl safely inside, but it's a hard adjustment. I'm so rarely still that this feels wrong. I feel like I need to be taking care of a million different things instead of focusing on the one really important thing that I should be focusing on.

Here's to another day of growth inside the comfort of her own amniotic fluid (which, by the way, she is producing at a rate of 30cc's per hour as she pees inside of me... shudder).

PS- If you ever have to have an extended hospital stay, get ready for a new kind of personal relationship with every stranger who comes a callin'. :)

Next entry? A little info on mesh panties, BMs, leaking boobs and other fun stuff... stay tuned!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Oh wow, I am so sorry about all of this. I was actually working on your baby shower gift this afternoon and then I was shocked to see your post. I will definitely be praying for you and your baby.